Fighting for the rights of disabled people within and outside of the Green Party of England and Wales.
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- Struggle for Reasonable Adjustmentsby Lauren James3 months it took, 3 months for reasonable adjustments to be made at my most recent job. Section 20 of the Equality Act 2010 calls for changes or adjustments to be made to ensure you can access the work environment if you’re disabled. (I would have pasted here the Act’s exact words but ironically the… Read more: Struggle for Reasonable Adjustments
- Abandoned by National Railby Lauren JamesThis weekend, I travelled to Chichester to meet friends. As most disabled people do, I researched my journey options thoroughly and bought a return ticket from my home city of Leicester from the ticket office on Friday. Due to my condition, MS, I don’t know if I’m going to be well enough to travel, so… Read more: Abandoned by National Rail
- Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer makes urgent call to save rail ticket officesby Lauren JamesCarla Denyer, MP candidate for Bristol Central and co-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, has urged residents to make clear their objections to the closure of ticket offices before the public consultation ends at midnight tonight [Friday 1 September]. The three-week consultation has been over proposals to close most of England’s 1,000… Read more: Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer makes urgent call to save rail ticket offices
- Greens call for rail ticket offices to be kept open to support travellersby Lauren JamesResponding to a consultation on the closure of ticketing offices at all rail stations, Green Party Transport spokesperson Matt Edwards said: “Any decision to close station ticket offices would be another short-sighted decision by a government that does not care about people who use public transport to get around.” Edwards, who is also Leader of… Read more: Greens call for rail ticket offices to be kept open to support travellers
- Mags Lewis: Disabled people must be front and centre of policy changesby Lauren JamesOutrage after outrage seems to follow every move by our current government. As they continue to smash the NHS into thousands of disparate pieces, and fail to protect the environment or workers’ rights, they also leave us all to the mercies of a badly regulated and dysfunctional energy market. Whilst pressures on all of us… Read more: Mags Lewis: Disabled people must be front and centre of policy changes
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